Season Updates, News (Upper Maitland Mustangs)

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Aug 31, 2024 | Curtis Ritchie | 191 views
Season Updates
Team Schedules:

Pre-skate Schedules are loaded into the system, we have now confirmed all of our ice time and will begin loading the regular season schedule this week.  You may subscribe to the Upper Maitland calendar by following this link

Regular practice nights - times to be confirmed:

U9 - Thursday
U11 - Thursday
U13 - Wednesday
U15 - Monday
U18 - Monday

UMM Player Jerseys:  

UMM requires a deposit cheque of $150 made payable to Upper Maitland Mustangs when you receive your players jersey. This cheque will NOT be cashed and will be destroyed at the end of the season upon return of your players jersey. If the jersey is not returned or returned damaged, your cheque will be cashed to purchase a replacement. Your team manager will arrange for collection of cheques when the jerseys are handed out in October.


This season, UMM has registered all teams for two tournaments. All teams will be participating in B.A.D. Tournament on January 16-19th. The organization is working to arrange hotels and will communicate that information when we receive it. The second tournament is Grand River Mustangs Remembrance Day Tournament on November 8-10th. NOTE: U13s are not participating in this tournament but will be in the Stratford Aces tournament on November 15-17th. Details to follow. 

UMM Apparel:

Reminder that the web store is live and items are being added all the time. The webstore will close from September 16th-October 1st to fulfill orders and then will reopen for ordering. Apparel link can be found here.

The organization has switched sock styles and they are available at Corley Sports in Listowel or on the apparel web store. 


Reminder that registration payments are due September 15th! If you have emailed arranging for a payment split, then the first half is due September 15th and remainder due November 15th. All e-transfers can be sent to [email protected] 

Cash Calendars: 

Cash Calendars will be handed out in early October for you to sell to recoup your fundraising fee. 

Goalie Clinics: 

Stay tuned for more information - we are working to arrange some joint goalie clinics with Howick Minor Hockey again and will send details out ASAP. 

U11 Tryout Information:

Information will be discussed at the first pre-skate, however there will be one pre-skate (Sept 8th) followed by two tryouts practices. Teams will be selected and the final pre-skates will be the newly formed teams practicing with their group. If your daughter does not wish to try out, please still attend the pre-skates as they will serve as practices and ice time. Any questions can be directed to [email protected]

Social Media:

Upper Maitland Mustangs is a zero-tolerance organization. We encourage all players, parents, coaches to review the OWHA Social Media policy found here and here. If any misuse of social media is reported to the executive, we will immediately suspend the player in question until an investigation is completed. If the player is found to have misused social media against a teammate, other player, other organization, etc. a minimum 4 game suspension PER OFFENCE will be enforced. 

Thank you!

UMM Executive